My son has been obsessed with LEGOs since he was a toddler. It started with the DUPLO sets. At first, we bought a single set with about 20 pieces. But then it grew and grew and grew. There was always a different block or figure he needed. By the time he was four, the had several plastic tubs filled with them—and not small tubs, either. Our house was overrun by LEGOs.
As he got older, we switched to the smaller LEGOs, selling the DUPLO sets. I thought this would take up less space since the blocks are smaller, but the smaller the blocks, the more sets there are to buy. Every birthday or special occasion meant more sets, and my son saved his allowance to buy them on his own, as well. Once it was clear that space was a premium, we asked him to eliminate some sets. He struggled because he knew he would want to play with each of them again. And, in truth, he probably would eventually come back to them. However, we could not live in a house built of LEGOs, so we had to find a solution.
Luckily we did, in Pley is a LEGO service that allows you to make a certain amount of LEGO rentals each month; the exact amount depends on the subscription you choose. When we researched it, we found that the majority of his sets were there, available for rent. We let him take the time to browse the sets the site offers and get really get excited about all the possibilities. Then, we offered to help him sell his sets in exchange for a subscription to the Pley LEGO rental service.
Let me tell you, he has not been disappointed. When he misses one of his old sets, we just rent it and let him build with it again. And now, he gets the chance to experience sets that we had never even seen for sale in the stores near us. He enjoys having the chance to try out the more complex sets so he can see just what all he is capable of but still comes back to some of the simpler sets from time to time. We also get to enjoy building together on a regular basis since we as parents are no longer bored by the same sets over and over.
And, best of all, my home isn’t overrun by tiny, plastic blocks.
If you think your family could benefit from this LEGO service, visit Take time to browse the sets available and learn more about the subscriptions available before choosing the one that is right for you.
To know more about LEGO service and LEGO rental please visit the website.
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